
Intelligent Pregnancy Monitoring Bridging Health and Tech

Unified Health Tracking for Expectant Mothers: Integrating IoT, Expertise, and Tailored Content

Technology stack

Nest.js, Typescript, Passport, TypeORM as ORM, ESLint, prettier, Swagger, Scheduler , Firebase(FCM , Authentication), PostgreSQL, Withings IoT, Prismic, AWS, Sendgrid, Flutter, Dart, Swift, Android Studio, Xcode, Firebase, Sentry, Amplitude, Device manufacturer SDKs, Vital, Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), Health, RevenueCat, Next.js, Javascript, Sass, NextAuth, Firebase Authentication, Bitrise, GitHub Actions, AWS

Learn more about our Tech Stack


  • Nest.js - a framework for building Node.js applications.
  • Typescript - Superset of Javascript with static typing
  • Passport - authentication library
  • TypeORM as ORM - Object-Relational Mapping for database interactions
  • ESLint, prettier - Tools for code formatting and linting
  • Swagger - API documentation and specification tool
  • Scheduler - NestJS Library for scheduling tasks and jobs
  • Firebase(FCM , Authentication) -  Comprehensive app development platform for building and growing applications.
  • PostgreSQL - Relational database management system
  • Withings IoT - IoT platform for data tracking and devices.
  • Prismic - Headless CMS
  • AWS - Amazon web services
  • Sendgrid - Email delivery and management service.

Mobile App

  • Flutter - A framework used for cross-platform app development 
  • Dart - The programming language used in Flutter
  • Swift - The programming language used for developing a custom flutter plugin for iOS
  • Android Studio, Xcode - IDEs used for development
  • Firebase (Authentication, Cloud Messaging, In-App Messaging, Analytics) - An app development platform that provides necessary tools for building and growing an app
  • Sentry - A platform for error tracking and performance monitoring
  • Amplitude - A platform for event tracking & digital analytics
  • Device manufacturer SDKs - Third-party SDK integration for IoT device data transfer and connectivity
  • Vital - 3rd party library
  • Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) - IoT communication protocol
  • Health - 3rd party library for Apple Health integration
  • RevenueCat - An in-app purchase platform

Web App

  • Next.js - Reach-based web development framework
  • Javascript - the programming language used in Next
  • Sass - CSS extension language used for styling components
  • NextAuth - 3rd party library used for authentication and session management
  • Firebase Authentication


  • Bitrise - A mobile DevOps platform for building, testing, and deploying apps
  • GitHub Actions - A CI/CD platform for automating build, test, and deployment pipelines
  • AWS (AWS RDS, AWS IAM, AWS App Runner, AWS EC2, AWS ECR, S3)

Quick facts


Western Europe



Project duration

One year


Product Owner, 2 Mobile Engineers, Backend Engineer, DevOps Engineer, QA Engineer

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